Saturday, February 3, 2007


Today has been a good day even though I did work for 5 1/2 hours. That's ok....O/T Baby!! ;-)) I need that extra money too because as soon as Zachary gets out of PGN, I will be paying my last foreign fee. YEAH!!! It's money well spent...without a doubt. It's about 11:30pm right now and amazingly, I'm not sleepy at all. I spent most of the evening downloading pictures on my blog and posting pictures on the forum. Everyone was going on and on about how cute Zachary is. In the latest pictures that I got of him (the ones that are posted on here) you can really see his little personality coming out.

Even though this process is difficult, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I believe that God picked Zachary out for me. It wasn't just by chance it was meant to be. So not only do I now have a beautiful son but I have made some really good friends during this journey. Some that I know will be lifelong friends. One thing is for sure, we all have a special bond.

Ok, enough for tonight. I guess I'll go read so I can get sleepy. Until next time...... Hugs, Rebecca


Veronica & Todd's Journey said...

I love the pictures. The nursery looks great!!!!

Andrea said...

The nursery looks wonderful! What a lucky boy. He is beautiful. You are right, we all do have a special bond. I know in my heart that just as God forms children in a mother's womb, he picks them out and places them within our hearts! I KNOW JP was handpicked for me. He even looks sortof like me. When we were in Guatemala for Christmas, a nanny from his home came up to me while I was holding him and said (in spanish, of course,) "he has your eyes!" I started crying. It melted my heart.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca - You have inspired me to add more elements to my blog! I just love Zachary's nursery! I can't wait for you to have him home so you can enjoy it together! I'm praying that this is the week we get good news! We are so long overdue! :)Keely