Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Feeling anxious today.....

I talked to Philip today and he said that he is still optimistic that we will be travelling mid March. I am REALLY hoping that he is right!!! There are several things going on in Guatemala in the next few weeks. There is a convention March 18-21 but according to Philip, the Embassy will be taking appts. on the 22nd. Also, the week leading up to Christmas, the Embassy will be closed for Holy Week. I am just praying that we will get our birth certificate back from the registry and get PINK and our embassy appt. before the 16th. Philip has told me over and over that he believes we'll make the cutoff and if by chance we don't, we will have our appt. either the 22nd or the last week of March. Well, tomorrow is March but and the end of the month feels like an eternity away! I am really going to try to stay calm...but it's so hard. If I had the money, I would go down there the second week of March and just stay there until we have our Embassy appt. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

This wait is also very nerve-racking. I feel like we are racing the clock. I am SO SO SO very grateful to be out of PGN but I am still so anxious to get Zachary home. I am praying for miracles!

Until later.....

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