Thursday, June 14, 2007

Looking forward to the weekend

I can't believe that it's almost Friday! Oh and plus I get paid tonight. I'm also very excited about that! Things have been good this week but I am really looking forward to the weekend.

Every morning this week I have dropped Zachary off at daycare and then gone to the gym. Work has been ok. I can tell that they are glad to have me back, which makes me feel good. You know what is really awesome?? Every afternoon I look forward to picking Zachary up. The second he sees me, he gets SO excited! I can't even explain the feeling that gives me.

I have noticed that in the mornings I see a lot of dad's dropping their children off at daycare and in the afternoon the mom's seem to be the one's picking up. I think about how I am the one doing it all the time and I guess since I'm a control freak, it works out great for me. ;-)) Some people have said to me that it has to be so hard on me having to do everything for Zachary. I guess I have taken a different perspective. Since I am Zachary's primary caretaker and only parent, I get to make all of the decisions for him and I know everything that is going on with him. I don't have to discuss decisions with another person, which can simply things at times. There is a flip side of course but I just take it one day at a time and focus on the positive.

Another question that people have asked me is if I am dating anyone. Currently I am not dating. I really haven't met anyone that I'm interested in. Also, Zachary takes up all of my time these days so that's where my focus is. I really value the time that I have with him in the evenings when I get home from work. He goes to bed at 9pm so I spend every minute with him from the time I pick him up until bedtime. Now, I can't say that I wouldn't like to meet someone but again, I am very particular about the kind of person that I want in my life and Zachary's. My feeling is that God will send the perfect person to me in His timing. I know my soul mate is out there somewhere and one day we'll find each other.

Zachary is on the go these days so it's hard to get good pictures of him. I did manage to get a few. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to take some more.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

You are doing a WONDERFUL job as his mother and I just KNOW he adores YOU as much as you do HIM. I do hope that someday God will bring the right person into your life who will love and adore BOTH of you...I know that someday He will.
Many Hugs