Thursday, June 19, 2008

Zachary moves in to the "Big Boy" class

Hope everyone is having a good week! This week Zachary has been transitioning to the "Big Boy" room at school. He is doing very well with it. His teachers are awesome and he really seems to like them. In this class they get to play outside more, which Zachary loves. His vocabulary skills are through the roof. For his post placement report I had to estimate how many words he can say. I said that my guess would be at least 200. The truth is that he can say a lot of words on his own but he tries to repeat everything that I say. ;-)) I guess the next thing he'll start doing is asking me "why" about

So our week has been ok. I have to say that I'm thrilled that tomorrow is Friday. It's been hard to make it through work this week. I love it when we're slammed and this week things have been a little slow. It's been good for me because I've been able to work out every day this week. I've been doing yoga too and it's making me feel great!

Other than that, we are just staying busy. Looking forward to the weekend!



MiaJ said...

Glad you guys are having such a good week.

David G. Filhart (a.k.a. the Davey Baby) said...

How old is that little whipper-snapper again? And he can already say over 200 words!??! Awesome!!!

lovingourtwoguys said...

Rebecca!! Do you remember us from our first Marriott visit? Julie, Tony, Sam and Luke? Zachary is too precious for words!! He always was a gorgeous boy. Wow!! Is life not THE BEST now? Come check out our blog when you get a chance.

Hugs! Jules