Saturday, December 29, 2007

Need Prayer for my Stepmom

I found out last night that my stepmom (Debora) had a stroke yesterday. My dad came home from work to find her barely conscious. She has lost the use of her right side, can't talk and hasn't been able to swallow. Zachary and I got here around noon today and I spent most of the day at the hospital while my mom and stepdad kept Zachary. Debora is in pretty bad shape but we did notice a slight improvement in her tonight. She tried to talk but the words just wouldn't come out. She tried several times and we could understand a couple of words but it was obvious that she was getting very frustrated. She also was able to eat some yogurt tonight which is great because this was the first time she had eaten anything since Thursday night. I would ask you guys to please pray for Debora and my dad. We are waiting to hear what the doctor has to say about her recovery. They attempted to do an MRI today but there was too much swelling. They have scheduled another one for Monday. The good news is that my dad and Debora are both very strong Christians and my dad is holding up well. I hope that tomorrow he will be able to get some sleep because he hasn't really slept since Thursday night.

I'll post again soon. Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky, it has been a little while that i have visit your blog. I just wanted to say that we are pray as much as possible for Debora!
BR Jochem (and of course Kerstin+Simon and Marius)