Friday, May 22, 2009


Zachary turned 3 years old last Friday!!! We are having his birthday party next Saturday at a really nice park in Charlotte. I've got lots of invitations out so we'll see how many people can make it. Hopefully it won't be too terribly hot that day! I still have to figure out what I'm giving him for his birthday!!! Once I do, I'll post pictures.

Lots going on here. I spent five days in Texas last week. While I was there I got to spend some time with my friends Pam, Del and Nora. It was SO good to see them. I got to see their new house too and it's SO awesome. I told them that it looks like a mini-castle!! Nora has changed so much just since October. I can't wait until she and Zachary can see each other again. I know they'll have a ball!!!

This has been a really busy week. I got back to work on Tuesday after a really long day on Monday...lots of driving and flying. Zachary and I both slept great on Monday night. I think we were both beyond exhausted after all of the excitement. Zachary's allergies and asthma have been giving him a fit this week and I've also had some allergy issues. My eyes have been driving me nutz!! Z and I are both feeling better now..thank goodness.

We are SO excited about the long 3-day weekend!!! Don't have a lot planned but that's fine by me. I could stand to do some work around the house and just relax.

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend!!!

1 comment:

Judi and Elaina said...

Hi Rebecca-This is Ms. Judi from Zachary is getting so big and he is absolutely adorable. Have a great birthdya weekend!!