It's SO hard to believe that it's June already!! This year has really flown by. Zachary has been in soccer since April and we have two weeks left. He is really enjoying it and is actually very good at kicking the ball in the goal. The boy is strong....no question about it.
We had Zachary's birthday party on May 30. He had a great time playing with his friends and especially opening all of the presents and eating cake!! He got all kinds of cool presents for his birthday, some clothes, all kinds of games and money!! It's funny because at his age he really doesn't understand the real meaning behind money. He was willing to trade a piece of candy for $125.00. I thought that was really cute but reminded him not to make that trade with anyone else but me. ;-)We had the party at a park and it was really hot that day....but at least we had shade and a covered shelter. The kids had a great time so overall I felt like it was a huge success. After we left the party, Papa Harmon decided to come home and stay with us for the rest of the weekend, which was really nice. We had fun cooking out and he kept Zachary for me so I could do some running around. Mucho Thanks Papa!! We were sad to see him leave on Monday. We were also sorry that we didn't get to spend more time with Nana and Papa Sease. They drove all the way up here for the party but then turned around and went back home the same day. We hope that soon they'll be able to come up and spend a weekend with us.
Last weekend was HUGE for Zachary. He hit so many milestones. First, after soccer on Saturday we decided to buy a tent. Target had some really nice tents on sale so I figured I would get one, set it up and we could "practice camping" in the back yard. Zachary absolutely loved it!! He kept talking about how big the tent was. He went off to sleep after about 45 minutes...meanwhile I laid there with a back ache and unable to get comfortable. I believe I'll be buying an air mattress for my sleeping bag. ;-)) I'm spoiled...I admit it! SO, then on Sunday morning, we went to church and Zachary sat with me during service instead of going to the nursery class. He did great!! We had communion yesterday and he also took communion for the first time!! I was SO proud of him! I know he didn't understand it but I tried to explain it and so did Pastor Gail. Then it was a wild time to get home, eat lunch and take off to Brayden's birthday party. We had to get our swim suits on because they have a pool and we knew everyone would be swimming. Zachary loved the pool and had a great time splashing around. He especially loved the water guns! (go figure). The last and most amazing milestone from the weekend was yesterday when he went to the bathroom standing up. Usually we let him so but he wanted to do it "like a big boy" yesterday. Again, SO proud of my little guy!! Now this morning, I guess he decided since he got praised so much over the weekend that he would put the icing on the cake, so to speak. He got dressed all by himself this morning! WOW!! It was then that I realized my little boy is growing up. He's so independent and loves doing everything for himself. Luckily, he still likes to snuggle with mommmy and doesn't shy away when I kiss him goodbye at school. ;-))
So that's what we've been up to! Hope everyone's summer is off to a great start!